This Process Can Help You Make Money 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week...



In The Next 90 Days...


Are you sick of chasing real estate agents for referrals?





The Only Comprehensive straight to the Point, No Fluff STEP-BY-STEP Program of its kind. You'll Get EVERYTHING You Need to Succeed!

This Process Can Help You Make Money 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week...

While Working Only 24 Hours a Week, 7 Months a Year!


Did you know most loan officers are working way too hard to find new clients?

It’s true. We’ve been instructed to chase real estate agents and beg for business. Some more productive loan officers also chase other wealth professionals for referrals. The problem with that plan is it makes the loan officer dependent on others for business.

Not any more! Not if You Use

Wally’s Client Concierge Process

Want to double your production in the next 90 days?

  • Want to take control of your career and generate referrals on autopilot?

  • Want to stop chasing real estate agents and wealth partners and start having them practically begging to get on your calendar?

  • Want step-by-step instructions and word-for-word scripts to execute a simple plan that generated more than $80 million in closed loans in 2022 for Wally’s mortgage business?


You’ve seen other loan officers taking high-end vacations and driving luxury cars.

But, right now, you are stuck in a terrible cycle, working way too hard to make way too little money, all while having to skip dinners, miss family events, and giving up all the things in life that you love.

Trust me, I get it. Back in 2013, I was in your shoes. I was working 60+ hours a week, working through dinners, and even missing family vacations my wife and two sons took without me. It was miserable.

But I thought that was the life I was destined to live in the mortgage world.

Eventually, I decided I had enough of letting real estate agents and other professionals decide when I would have to work, how much money I could make, and when I could eat dinner with my family.

I had enough. I had no idea how I was going to do it. But I committed to figuring out how to take back the power and control and get in the driver’s seat for my career.

And I did! I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours figuring out how to take control of my career, so I could make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while working only 24 hours a week, 7 months a year.

But along the way, I encountered a lot of the same pitfalls other loan offers face. I struggled with:

  • Figuring out exactly how to get referrals--without having to chase real estate agents and other wealth professionals.

  • Developing the right systems to turn every client referral into 8+ additional referrals without having to work around the clock.

  • Trying to do way too much and ending up spinning my wheels until I figure out exactly what to focus on to make real progress.

  • Getting referral opportunities and then blowing them by not knowing what to say.

  • Finding the right people and technology to grow without having to do everything myself.

Sound familiar? Then keep reading—there’s good news straight ahead.

Hello there!

I’m Wally Elibiary—a mortgage professional with more than 24 years of experience in the mortgage industry.

In 2022, my team closed more than $200 million in loans for the second year in a row. More than $80 million of that $200 million came directly from my Client Concierge Process, a plug-and-play program that gives you the same advantage as the most successful and productive loan officers in the industry.

Today, my team uses my Client Concierge Process to generate referrals on autopilot, turning every mortgage referral to 8+ additional referrals (sometimes 11 or more…).

But not so long ago—I was in your shoes. I wanted to become massively successful but was stuck in a cycle of chasing real estate agents and basically begging for business.

Figuring out how to take back the power and control over my career was hard. I won’t sugarcoat it. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars figuring it out. But I promised myself that someday I would share what I learned with other loan officers who wanted to be in the drivers’ seat of their careers, too.

From learning how to generate more referrals than ever, to finding the hidden gold referrals I had been sitting on without even knowing it, to getting real estate agents and other wealth professionals to virtually beg to get on my calendar…. without you having to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…

…So much of what it takes to never have to worry about where your next referral is going to come from isn’t really taught anywhere. There are some people who talk about theories or concepts. And there are some teachers who haven’t closed a loan in decades. But I’m still in the trenches with you, running a mortgage team and still using the same exact systems and processes to do so.

If you’re just getting started as a loan officer, your head is probably spinning. Nobody gave you a playbook, this market is different from anything you’ve ever experienced, and you’re desperate for some direction.

If you’re more experienced, you might feel stuck, having tried all the “conventional wisdom” people have given you with no results to show for it.That’s why I’m here. I learned a lot of things the hard (and expensive) way early in my career… but I don’t see why you should have to learn them the hard way too.

I’m passionate about giving you the tools you need to succeed as a top producer in your market. And that’s why I am releasing my Client Concierge Process for the very first time to loan officers outside of my team.

Total Value: $12,565

What You're Gonna Get...

  • The How/Why/Who Of The 6-Lane Highway Of Referral Streams To You + Scripts ($2,896 Value)

  • The "First 7-Days Turbo Charge" Blueprint ($297 Value)

  • The "Referral Generating Touch Points" Walk-CONCIERGE through ($1,997 Value)

  • The "2+ Year Retention Plan" ($1,997 Value)


  • Exclusive Interview with Client Concierge Member: ($497 value)

  • Live Call Breakdowns to Show You the Process in Action: ($497 value)

  • Technology Training to Execute Consistently, Efficiently, and Easily: ($497 value)


Get in the Driver’s Seat

Join Now & Learn Exactly What you need to do to double your production in the next 90 days and turn your mortgage business into a referral machine!

Who Is Wally’s Client Concierge Process for?

This course was created for loan officers who...

  • Have closed at least a handful of loans and can serve clients well. Complete beginners are welcome, as are agents with more experience. But having a base level of knowledge and experience with the mortgage process will help you execute.

  • Want to structure their business so they can get referrals on auto-pilot from existing clients and wealth professionals.

  • Want a stable, solid framework they can use to build a long-term business.

  • Are sick of feeling like “just a vendor” to real estate agents and want someone to show them what steps they need to take to take control and power over their careers.

  • Are willing to put in the work to implement these strategies!

This course is NOT for you if...

  • You’re already working less than 30 hours a week, earning in the top 5% of loan officers, and generating a steady stream of referrals.

  • You can’t remember the last time you were concerned about hitting your income goals.

  • You don’t care about how many hours you work, how much money you make, or how much control you have over your career and life.

  • You’re convinced you already know everything there is to know about being a successful loan officer

  • You’re looking for someone to do the work for you. These strategies make success straightforward and simple, but you have to be willing to show up for your own success!

Imagine being able to...

  • Become a top-producing loan officer in your market

  • Create a steady flow of referrals

  • Take up to 20 weeks of vacation per year

  • Double your production in the next 90 days

  • Be able to pick up the phone, know exactly what to say, and be confident that you’re going to leave that call with 8+ referral opportunities

  • Make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while having to work only 24 hours a week, 7 months a year

  • Wake up knowing exactly what you need to do each day to get results

  • Consistently earning an amazing income so you can drive the car you want, live in the house you want, and vacation wherever you want

...All without wasted time, wasted energy, tears, stress, and guess work!

Becoming a top-earning loan officer isn’t just possible—with the right guidance and mentorship, there’s actually a pretty direct path to the top.

That's why I created this for you.

Wally’s Client Concierge Program

Learn everything you need to know, from what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what to say, and what systems, processes, and technology to set up so you can double your production fast!

What's Inside Wally’s Client Concierge Program?

EVERYTHING you need to know to be a top producing loan officer—even in this market! The days of feeling lost and confused are now long gone whether you are doing this solo or as part of a team.

Learn How to...

  • Set up your business to give you time, money, and life freedom

  • Consistently attract referrals

  • Get real estate agents and other wealth professionals to virtually beg to get on your calendar

  • Turn your client database into a money making machine

  • Confidently communicate with referrals and wealth partners

  • Handle objections with ease

  • Implement systems and processes that will make your business and life better this week

  • ...and much more!

Register For Wally’s Client Concierge Program to...

  • Access Wally’s step-by-step process to implement a “Client Concierge” program that adds value to existing clients while generating countless new referrals.

  • Get everything you need to turn phone calls with clients in your existing database into 8+ referral opportunities per call

  • Transform your business into a money-making machine

  • Stop having to buy leads or beg real estate agents for business

  • Stop having to work nights and weekends to barely scrape together enough business to stay afloat

  • Learn from someone who built a team that closes more than $200 million in loans per year

  • Access our Private Facebook Community so you can easily reach out for questions, support, reassurance, accountability, and community

Becoming a top-producing loan officer can be scary… But you aren’t in this alone!

I created this course to share the exact scripts and processes I wish I’d had when I first got started 24+ years ago.

If you’re sick of feeling confused and ready to get the support you need to start and grow a successful business as a top-performing loan officer—this course breaks down the whole process, one baby step at a time.

Total Value: $12,565


Still Have Questions?

I Have Answers!

Is this course right for me?

Whether you’re relatively new to the mortgage world or have decades of experience, Wally’s Client Concierge program can help.

I’ve been a loan officer for a few years now. Will this teach me anything I don’t already know?

Yes! This process will help you turn every loan you close into dozens of referral opportunities, all without having to stalk another real estate agent again.

Does this cover material outside of what I learned through my licensure?

Yes! This course teaches you how to consistently get as many referrals as you want. This course is about helping you make more money, work less, and rise to the top of the mortgage industry.

Why should I trust you?

Unlike some other so-called gurus, I’m still in the trenches with you. I’m still using my Client Concierge Process to generate referrals on autopilot. I’m still making money virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while working in my mortgage business only 24 hours a week, 7 months a year. I created, tweaked, and perfected these steps over several years.

Unlock a Simple, Step-By-Step Path to Mortgage Success!


  • Step-By-step video trainings

  • Printable PDF Worksheets & Resources

  • Private Facebook Community Access


  • Exclusive Interview with Client Concierge Member: ($497 value)

  • Live Call Breakdowns to Show You the Process in Action: ($497 value)

  • Technology Training to Execute Consistently, Efficiently, and Easily: ($497 value)


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All rights reserved. Published in Frisco, Texas by 24-7 Mindset Academy LLC.

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